Saturday, September 12, 2020

Visual Studio Codespaces is consolidating into GitHub Codespaces

Hello Developers :) 

If you have been using Visual Studio Codespaces Public Preview or thinking about using it, be aware of the up coming changes:

Existing users! 
Can continue accessing your codespaces via the current portal beyond the start of GitHub general availability.

Whats happening timeline!
  • September 4, 2020 – Current users can begin transitioning to the GitHub private beta.
  • November 20, 2020 – Creation of new plans and codespaces will be disabled, although existing codespaces may continue to be used. New users will only be able to sign up for Codespaces on GitHub.
  • February 17, 2021 – The Visual Studio Codespaces portal will be retired. All plans and codespaces remaining in the service will be deleted.

New users!
If you just heard about Codespaces and want to try We recommend requesting access to the GitHub Codespaces limited public beta.

See Codespaces cost here 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Spin up virtual machine pre configured with WinRM access over https in Azure using Terraforms

Note: Basic knowledge of Terraforms is required.

If you are creating a VM in Azure and you want WinRM to be preconfigured for access over https and a certificate automatically created and linked with VM DNS see following steps.

Step 1: Download VM Terraforms sample from Github

You can download Terraforms sample from here and save it as e.g. (i needed one with the SQL):

Make sure to setup up the domain label, where var.dnsName is variable which you can declare in

domain_name_label = "${var.dnsName}winsqlhost"

Step 2: Add provisioner remote-exec:

To configure WinRM you need to add provisioner "remote-exec" to your Terraform, which triggers automatically once VM has spun up in the cloud.

resource "null_resource" "main" {
  triggers = {
    "after" = azurerm_mssql_virtual_machine.main.virtual_machine_id

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    connection {

      type     = "winrm"
      user     = var.username
      password = var.pass
      https    = true
      insecure = true
      port     = 5986
      use_ntlm = true
      host     = "${var.dnsName}"


If you need to connect via http you don't need Step 3.

Step 3: Configure Key vault & Certificate with DSN name:

If VM is not on the domain and you need to connect through local machine you will have to setup Certificate for WinRM https access.

Download sample Terraform from here and save as e.g. (Generating a new certificate example)

Provide dns_names and CN equals to our DNS Name
     subject_alternative_names {
        dns_names = ["${var.dnsName}"""]

      subject            = "CN=${var.dnsName}"
      validity_in_months = 12

Link certificate with your VM in as follows:
  os_profile_secrets {
    source_vault_id =
    vault_certificates {
      certificate_url   = azurerm_key_vault_certificate.main.secret_id
      certificate_store = "My"

Now when you run Terraform your VM will be preconfigured with WinRM and ready to connect, you can connect WinRM over https port:5986 using DNS name.

Happy IaC! 😊