Monday, November 21, 2011

After Spirit and Opportunity, Curiosity is ready to Go!

Spirit and Opportunity, Curiosity is powered with radioisotope thermal generators, and is thus not limited by the availability of solar power. However, it will still need to reduce activity during the coldest winter months, when more of its power will be required to keep its instruments warm. It also carries a more sophisticated analytical instrument package than Spirit and Opportunity. Curiosity will assess past habitability by searching for and identifying organic compounds, possible metabolic products of ancient organisms, and studying the rocks for details about the past climate in which they formed. Curiosity carries ten science instruments. What makes the science instrument suite of Curiosity unique are the analytical tools located within the body of the rover, which will perform detailed chemical analyses of about 70 samples of rock and soil delivered to them by the robotic arm. Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) includes a gas chromatograph, mass spectrometer, and tunable laser spectrometer, and is intended to identify organic compounds and also to measure the isotopic ratios of chemical elements important to life. CheMin is an X-ray diffraction X-ray fluorescence instrument, which directly measures the bulk elemental composition of rocks and soils, allowing scientists to infer mineral composition. read more (

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pocket Projector for iPhone

pocket projector case  for iPhone
Pocket Projector for iPhone is available at a price of $230 only, though it is more worthy than its price tag. Just put your order to company’s site and the projector-case- box will be shipped to you within a week.
That 50-inch image projected buy this magical case would require about 8 feet of empty space to get benefit, as noted by Macworld’s Dan Frakes, who have spent sometime with this cute and remarkable iPhone case.
Frakes notes that the images created by the built-in projector are truly quite excellent, although a dark room is als required to make the best use of this absolutely mini DLP Pico chip.
If you are desirous to pick this Pocket Projector right now, you can put your order through Brookstone official site.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11:11:11 - 11.11.11

A great date, we only see once in a century.

Have a a good century ahead!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cordon Multi-Target Photo-Radar System

Go easy on the gas, Speed Racer, because Cordon is on its way. Developed by Simicon, this new speed sensor promises to take highway surveillance to new heights of precision. Unlike most photo radar systems, which track only one violator at a time, Simicon's device can simultaneously identify and follow up to 32 vehicles across four lanes. Whenever a car enters its range, the Cordon will automatically generate two images: one from wide-angle view and one closeup shot of the vehicle's license plate. It's also capable of instantly measuring a car's speed and mapping its position, and can easily be synced with other databases via WiFi, 3G or WiMAX. Plus, this device is compact and durable enough to be mounted upon a tripod or atop a road sign, making it even harder for drivers to spot. Fortunately, though, you still have time to change your dragster ways, as distributor Peak Gain Systems won't be bringing the Cordon to North America until the first quarter of 2012. Cruise past the break to see some footage of a field trial that's currently underway -- cars tagged with a green dot are traveling below the speed limit, those with a yellow marking are chugging along within an acceptable range above the limit, while vehicles with a red tab are just asking for trouble.